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Full process level production
Level design
3A level
Next Generation Levels
Full package
Sheer team has completed hundreds of full-process levels and next-generation levels, from white box layout analysis, planning, splitting, and co-design of model components and concept artwork in the early stage, 3D data, and animation effects production in the middle stage (common techniques include: photo scanning technology, alchemy, simulation, etc.) to engine integration or level turnkey in the late stage, we have mature production At the same time, we will provide our clients with overall project quality management and time management solutions.

Level process
A. The contractor’s planner and the program will first complete the level prototype and test it for verification.
B. the issuer prepares the level requirement information
After the level testing and validation, the AD and the main beauty of the issuing party prepare the art bible, write the art style (pixel, gothic, Korean, Japanese, ancient, simple, steam, European and American), reference map, game world view, story, and background, etc.
Note: The issuer also needs to prepare the art quality markup of the level expected to be achieved, which can be illustrated by screenshots of other games that are already online. It is better to have a sample of a level done in-house by the issuer as a quality and style reference.
C. Concept design
After the required information is organized and given to the contracting party, the contracting party art starts to produce the finished level, and the main work is to collect the material and do the concept design before starting the production.
The contractor draws the concept design of each level according to its text description and reference chart and follows these stages: atmosphere, sketch, color draft, refinement, etc.
1. Level atmosphere design
The concept artist of the contracting party can design the level design based on the prototype level. This stage mainly determines the lighting, weather, hues, and other atmospheric things of the level, which is usually called the atmosphere map.
2. Design of hard functional requirements
The level designer of the issuing party tells the art team of the receiving party through the level design document which areas have hard functional requirements, for example, the player will encounter combat at point A, so how many bunkers are needed at point A, how high the bunkers are, etc. The art team of the receiving party then designs the appearance of these bunkers according to these requirements.
D. the specific production of the finished level
After the atmosphere map is finalized, it is the specific production of the level, which will be supplemented by a lot of art resources before the detailed settings. This is a mass-production work, during which there is little room for art to play. The level specifications have been set by the designer, and the art of the contracting party cannot be modified.
1. The object is split for production
The concept artist of the contracted party’s level needs to split into objects at the same time, and then enter 3D production after the concept drawing is passed (common techniques include: photo scanning technology, alchemy, simulation, etc.). First, submit a white model of the level to determine the scale and size, or the contractor can provide a blockout for each level.
Before the start of 3D, the TA of the receiving party needs to communicate with the TA of the issuing party about the engine used for the game, material balls, plug-ins that can improve efficiency, etc. (Note: The contractor should provide a technical reference document for the contractor to use.)
2. level integration
Then the level designer and art in the engine integrate into the level, play good lighting, adjust the material, and finally submit a complete 3A level works.